2005-03-24 23:41:09 UTC
Salve a tutti,
utilizzo da un po di giorni lyx sotto windows Xp, avrei un problemino :
non c'è modo di eliminare la data da ogni pagina che lyx mi stampa.
Puntualmente trovo alla fine di ogni pagina (ad esclusione della prima)
la data scritta in neretto.
Ho letto che bisogna inserire nel premabolo :
dopo il campo \title ma nel mio preambolo non esiste un \title. Ho
provato ad aggiungere \date{} anche alla fine del preambolo ma nulla.
Anche inserendolo come Tex dentro il Lyx non ottengo nulla.
Vi posto anche il mio preambolo magari qualcuno gentilmente mi aiuta,
grazie :
% This is preamble.tex file should be put %
% in the latex preamble in Lyx to set up %
% the format of your thesis %
% Written by M. Imran 2001/06/18 %
% No Copyright for this file %
% Save your time and enjoy it %
% Here the page setup based on
% the university of Durham regulation
% Redefine \tableofcontents in report.cls
% Redefine \listoffigures in report.cls
% Redefine \listoftables in report.cls
% Redefine thebibliograph in report.cls
\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
{\@***@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
% Put packages you want to use
% here and 'fancyhdr' is required
% Set line spacing = 1.5 here
% Your fancy heading
% For the final copy you need to remove
% '\bfseries\today' below
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markright{\chaptername\ \thechapter.\ #1}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}{}}
% Here you set the space between the main
% text and the start of the footnote
% Define new counter so you can have
% the equation number 4.2.1a for example,
% this a gift from J.F.Blowey
% New theorem you want to use
\newtheorem{Pro}{{\textbf Proposition}}[section]}
\newtheorem{The}{{\textbf Theorem}}[section]}
\newtheorem{Def}[The]{{\textbf Definition}}}
\newtheorem{Cor}[The]{{\textbf Corollary}}}
\newtheorem{Lem}[The]{{\textbf Lemma}}}
\newtheorem{Exp}{{\textbf Example}}[section]}
\def\bproof{\textbf{Proof}: }
% Bold font in math mode, a gift from J.F.Blowey
% New symbol which is not defined in Latex
% a gift from J.F.Blowey
% The Mean INTegral
% to be used in displaystyle
% to be used in textstyle
\def\mints{\int\!\!\!\!\!\!{\rm-}\ }
% The Mean SUM
% to be used in displaystyle
% to be used in textstyle
\def\msums{\sum\!\!\!\!\!\!\!{\rm-}\ }
% Define your short cut here
\def\poincare{Poincar\'e }
\def\holder{H\"older }
utilizzo da un po di giorni lyx sotto windows Xp, avrei un problemino :
non c'è modo di eliminare la data da ogni pagina che lyx mi stampa.
Puntualmente trovo alla fine di ogni pagina (ad esclusione della prima)
la data scritta in neretto.
Ho letto che bisogna inserire nel premabolo :
dopo il campo \title ma nel mio preambolo non esiste un \title. Ho
provato ad aggiungere \date{} anche alla fine del preambolo ma nulla.
Anche inserendolo come Tex dentro il Lyx non ottengo nulla.
Vi posto anche il mio preambolo magari qualcuno gentilmente mi aiuta,
grazie :
% This is preamble.tex file should be put %
% in the latex preamble in Lyx to set up %
% the format of your thesis %
% Written by M. Imran 2001/06/18 %
% No Copyright for this file %
% Save your time and enjoy it %
% Here the page setup based on
% the university of Durham regulation
% Redefine \tableofcontents in report.cls
% Redefine \listoffigures in report.cls
% Redefine \listoftables in report.cls
% Redefine thebibliograph in report.cls
\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
{\@***@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
% Put packages you want to use
% here and 'fancyhdr' is required
% Set line spacing = 1.5 here
% Your fancy heading
% For the final copy you need to remove
% '\bfseries\today' below
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markright{\chaptername\ \thechapter.\ #1}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}{}}
% Here you set the space between the main
% text and the start of the footnote
% Define new counter so you can have
% the equation number 4.2.1a for example,
% this a gift from J.F.Blowey
% New theorem you want to use
\newtheorem{Pro}{{\textbf Proposition}}[section]}
\newtheorem{The}{{\textbf Theorem}}[section]}
\newtheorem{Def}[The]{{\textbf Definition}}}
\newtheorem{Cor}[The]{{\textbf Corollary}}}
\newtheorem{Lem}[The]{{\textbf Lemma}}}
\newtheorem{Exp}{{\textbf Example}}[section]}
\def\bproof{\textbf{Proof}: }
% Bold font in math mode, a gift from J.F.Blowey
% New symbol which is not defined in Latex
% a gift from J.F.Blowey
% The Mean INTegral
% to be used in displaystyle
% to be used in textstyle
\def\mints{\int\!\!\!\!\!\!{\rm-}\ }
% The Mean SUM
% to be used in displaystyle
% to be used in textstyle
\def\msums{\sum\!\!\!\!\!\!\!{\rm-}\ }
% Define your short cut here
\def\poincare{Poincar\'e }
\def\holder{H\"older }